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64 Reset Eprom Impresora Epson Tx125 T25 Tx135 Rar Latest Free Pc Torrent Exe


This file contains all the instructions you need to reset your Epson printer's EEPROM in R/W mode. 1. Extract the archive, keeping its directory structure intact. 2. Disconnect the power cable from the printer and wait for at least 5 minutes before proceeding further with any of these steps. 3. Open a terminal window in Mac OSX or Linux, or command prompt in Windows XP, Vista or 7 (if you are not familiar with either Mac OSX or Linux terminal commands stop here). 4. Navigate to directory "reset eprom" by typing "cd " where is the complete path of reset eprom folder e.g. "cd /Users/User/Desktop/" 5. In Linux type "./reseteprom -r" and press enter. In MacOSX type "./reseteprom -r" and press enter. In Windows type reseteprom and press enter (no quotes). New window will pop up, with progress bar and start information: Resetting EPROM OK EEPROM Reset Done ........ All Done! 6. Reconnect the printer to power cable and wait as long as it takes for all leds on the printer to light up continuously, then turn them off again (not necessary on some models). 7. Open a terminal window in Mac OSX or Linux, or command prompt in Windows XP, Vista or 7 (if you are not familiar with either Mac OSX or Linux terminal commands stop here). 8. Navigate to directory "reset eprom" by typing "cd " where is the complete path of reset eprom folder e.g.  "cd /Users/User/Desktop/" 9. In Linux type "./reseteprom -r" and press enter. In MacOSX type "./reseteprom -r" and press enter. In Windows type reseteprom and press enter (no quotes). 10. Check the printer's status by running the following command in terminal. "printerstatus" 11. After that you can run "epromdump -d 1t25 -r" to get pictures of EEPROM content. 12. In terminal type the following. "reset eprom" In Mac, Linux or Windows press "Enter." In some models before getting to the last step of the process you might need to reset some other settings on your printer first. If this happens do "reset eprom" and use a new terminal window to restart this process. 13. Afterwards you should be able to see a picture of EEPROM content as on demo image below: 1. cfa1e77820


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