1 to 100 Table in English Download
Tables in English are a way of expressing the multiplication facts of a number. They are useful for learning and practicing basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, division, and fractions. They also help to develop mental math skills and memorize the times tables.
If you want to download tables from 1 to 100 in English, you can visit the BYJU'S website and access the PDF files for free. You can also print them out or save them on your device for offline use. You can find the link to the website at the end of this article.
1 to 100 table in english download
Tables from 1 to 10 in English
Let's start with the tables from one to ten. These are the most basic and common tables that you should know by heart. Here are the tables with their corresponding words:
Table of One
1 x One = One
2 x One = Two
3 x One = Three
4 x One = Four
5 x One = Five
6 x One = Six
7 x One = Seven
8 x One = Eight
9 x One = Nine
10 x One = Ten
Table of Two
1 x Two = Two
2 x Two = Four
3 x Two = Six
4 x Two = Eight
5 x Two = Ten
6 x Two = Twelve
7 x Two = Fourteen
8 x Two = Sixteen
9 x Two = Eighteen
10 x Two = Twenty
Table of Three
1 x Three = Three
2 x Three = Six
3 x Three = Nine
4 x Three = Twelve
5 x Three = Fifteen
6 x Three = Eighteen
7 x Three = Twenty-one
8 x Three = Twenty-four
9 x Three = Twenty-seven
10 x Three = Thirty
<h Outline of the article: - H1: 1 to 100 Table in English Download - H2: Introduction - What are tables in English and why are they useful? - How to download tables 1 to 100 in English from BYJU'S website? - H2: Tables 1 to 10 in English - H3: Table of 1 - H3: Table of 2 - H3: Table of 3 - H3: Table of 4 - H3: Table of 5 - H3: Table of 6 - H3: Table of 7 - H3: Table of 8 - H3: Table of 9 - H3: Table of 10 - H2: Tables 11 to 20 in English - H4: Table of 11 - H4: Table of 12 - H4: Table of 13 - H4: Table of 14 - H4: Table of 15 - H4: Table of 16 - H4: Table of 17 - H4: Table of 18 - H4: Table of 19 - H4: Table of 20 - H2: Tables 21 to 30 in English - Repeat the same pattern for tables up to table of 100. - H2: Conclusion - FAQs Article with HTML formatting: 1 to 100 Table in English Download
Tables in English are a way of expressing the multiplication facts of a number. They are useful for learning and practicing basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, division, and fractions. They also help to develop mental math skills and memorize the times tables.
If you want to download tables from 1 to 100 in English, you can visit the BYJU'S website and access the PDF files for free. You can also print them out or save them on your device for offline use. You can find the link to the website at the end of this article.
Tables from 1 to 10 in English
Let's start with the tables from one to ten. These are the most basic and common tables that you should know by heart. Here are the tables with their corresponding words:
Table of One
1 x One = One
2 x One = Two
3 x One = Three
4 x One = Four
5 x One = Five
6 x One = Six
7 x One = Seven
8 x One = Eight
9 x One = Nine
10 x One = Ten
Table of Two
1 x Two = Two
2 x Two = Four
3 x Two = Six
4 x Two = Eight
5 x Two = Ten
6 x Two = Twelve
7 x Two = Fourteen
8 x Two = Sixteen
9 x Two = Eighteen
10 x Two = Twenty
Table of Three
1 x Three = Three
2 x Three = Six
3 x Three = Nine
4 x Three = Twelve
5 x Three = Fifteen
6 x Three = Eighteen
7 x Three = Twenty-one
8 x Three = Twenty-four
9 x Three = Twenty-seven
10 x Three = Thirty
<h. Table of Four
1 x Four = Four
2 x Four = Eight
3 x Four = Twelve
4 x Four = Sixteen
5 x Four = Twenty
6 x Four = Twenty-four
7 x Four = Twenty-eight
8 x Four = Thirty-two
9 x Four = Thirty-six
10 x Four = Forty
Table of Five
1 x Five = Five
2 x Five = Ten
3 x Five = Fifteen
4 x Five = Twenty
5 x Five = Twenty-five
6 x Five = Thirty
7 x Five = Thirty-five
8 x Five = Forty
9 x Five = Forty-five
10 x Five = Fifty
Table of Six
1 x Six = Six
2 x Six = Twelve
3 x Six = Eighteen
4 x Six = Twenty-four
5 x Six = Thirty
6 x Six = Thirty-six
7 x Six = Forty-two
8 x Six = Forty-eight
9 x Six = Fifty-four
10 x Six = Sixty
Table of Seven
1 x Seven = Seven
2 x Seven = Fourteen
3 x Seven = Twenty-one
4 x Seven = Twenty-eight
5 x Seven = Thirty-five
6 x Seven = Forty-two
7 x Seven = Forty-nine
8 x Seven = Fifty-six
9 x Seven = Sixty-three
10 x Seven = Seventy
Table of Eight
1 8
= 8
2 8
= 16
3 8
= 24
4 8
= 32
5 8
= 40
6 8
= 48
7 8
= 56
8 8
= 64
9 8
= 72
th scope="row">
>10 >8 >
th scope="col">
>= >80 >
th Table of Nine
1 x Nine = Nine
2 x Nine = Eighteen
3 x Nine = Twenty-seven
4 x Nine = Thirty-six
5 x Nine = Forty-five
6 x Nine = Fifty-four
7 x Nine = Sixty-three
8 x Nine = Seventy-two
9 x Nine = Eighty-one
10 x Nine = Ninety
Table of Ten
1 x Ten = Ten
2 x Ten = Twenty
3 x Ten = Thirty
4 x Ten = Forty
5 x Ten = Fifty
6 x Ten = Sixty
7 x Ten = Seventy
8 x Ten = Eighty
9 x Ten = Ninety
10 x Ten = One Hundred
Tables from 11 to 20 in English
Now, let's move on to the tables from eleven to twenty. These are slightly more complex than the previous ones, but they follow a similar pattern. Here are the tables with their corresponding words:
Table of Eleven
1 11 = 11
2 11 = 22
3 11 = 33
4 11 = 44
5 11 = 55
6 11 = 66
7 11 = 77
8 11 = 88
9 11 = 99
10 11 = 110
1 12 = 12 2 12 = 24 3 12 = 36 4 12 = 48 5 12 = 60
6 12 = 72
7 12 = 84
8 12 = 96
9 12 = 108
10 12 = 120
Table of Thirteen
1 13 = 13
2 13 = 26
3 13 = 39
4 13 = 52
5 13 = 65
6 13 = 78
7 13 = 91
8 13 = 104 9 13 = 117 10 13 = 130
Table of Fourteen
1 x Fourteen = Fourteen
2 x Fourteen = Twenty-eight
3 x Fourteen = Forty-two
4 x Fourteen = Fifty-six
5 x Fourteen = Seventy
6 x Fourteen = Eighty-four
7 x Fourteen = Ninety-eight
8 x Fourteen = One Hundred and Twelve
9 x Fourteen = One Hundred and Twenty-six
10 x Fourteen = One Hundred and Forty
Table of Fifteen
1 x Fifteen = Fifteen
2 x Fifteen = Thirty
3 x Fifteen = Forty-five
4 x Fifteen = Sixty
5 x Fifteen = Seventy-five
6 x Fifteen = Ninety
7 x Fifteen = One Hundred and Five
8 x Fifteen = One Hundred and Twenty
9 x Fifteen = One Hundred and Thirty-five
10 x Fifteen = One Hundred and Fifty
Table of Sixteen
1 x Sixteen = Sixteen
2 x Sixteen = Thirty-two
3 x Sixteen = Forty-eight
4 x Sixteen = Sixty-four
5 x Sixteen = Eighty
6 x Sixteen = Ninety-six
7 x Sixteen = One Hundred and Twelve
8 x Sixteen = One Hundred and Twenty-eight
9 x Sixteen = One Hundred and Forty-four
10 x Sixteen = One Hundred and Sixty
Table of Seventeen
1 x Seventeen = Seventeen
2 x Seventeen = Thirty-four
3 x Seventeen = Fifty-one
4 x Seventeen = Sixty-eight
5 x Seventeen = Eighty-five
6 x Seventeen = One Hundred and Two
7 x Seventeen = One Hundred and Nineteen
8 x Seventeen = One Hundred and Thirty-six
9 x Seventeen = One Hundred and Fifty-three
10 x Seventeen = One Hundred and Seventy
Table of Eighteen
1 x Eighteen = Eighteen
2 x Eighteen = Thirty-six
3 x Eighteen = Fifty-four
4 x Eighteen = Seventy-two
<td 5 x Eighteen = Ninety <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 6 x Eighteen = One Hundred and Eight <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 7 x Eighteen = One Hundred and Twenty-six <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 8 x Eighteen = One Hundred and Forty-four <
/td /tr /tr <td 9 x Eighteen = One Hundred and Sixty-two <
/td /tr /tr <td 10 x Eighteen = One Hundred and Eighty <
Table of Nineteen
1 x Nineteen = Nineteen
2 x Nineteen = Thirty-eight
3 x Nineteen = Fifty-seven
4 x Nineteen = Seventy-six
5 x Nineteen = Ninety-five
6 x Nineteen = One Hundred and Fourteen
7 x Nineteen = One Hundred and Thirty-three
8 x Nineteen = One Hundred and Fifty-two
9 x Nineteen = One Hundred and Seventy-one
10 x Nineteen = One Hundred and Ninety
Table of Twenty
1 x Twenty = Twenty
2 x Twenty = Forty
3 x Twenty = Sixty
4 x Twenty = Eighty
<td 5 x Twenty = One Hundred <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 6 x Twenty = One Hundred and Twenty <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 7 x Twenty = One Hundred and Forty <
/td /tr /tr <td 8 x Twenty = One Hundred and Sixty <
/td /tr /tr <td 9 x Twenty = One Hundred and Eighty <
/td /tr /tr <td 10 x Twenty = Two Hundred <
/td /tr>
Tables from 21 to 30 in English
We have covered the tables from one to twenty so far. Now, let's continue with the tables from twenty-one to thirty. These are a bit more challenging, but you can still master them with some practice. Here are the tables with their corresponding words:
Table of Twenty-one
1 21 = 21
2 21 = 42
3 21 = 63
4 21 = 84
5 21 = 105
6 21 = 126
7 21 = 147
8 21 = 168
9 21 = 189
10 21 = 210
Table of Twenty-two
1 x Twenty-two = Twenty-two
2 x Twenty-two = Forty-four
3 x Twenty-two = Sixty-six
4 x Twenty-two = Eighty-eight
5 x Twenty-two = One Hundred and Ten
6 x Twenty-two = One Hundred and Thirty-two
7 x Twenty-two = One Hundred and Fifty-four
8 x Twenty-two = One Hundred and Seventy-six
9 x Twenty-two = One Hundred and Ninety-eight
10 x Twenty-two = Two Hundred and Twenty
Table of Twenty-three
1 x Twenty-three = Twenty-three
2 x Twenty-three = Forty-six
3 x Twenty-three = Sixty-nine
4 x Twenty-three = Ninety-two
5 x Twenty-three = One Hundred and Fifteen
6 x Twenty-three = One Hundred and Thirty-eight
7 x Twenty-three = One Hundred and Sixty-one
8 x Twenty-three = One Hundred and Eighty-four
9 x Twenty-three = Two Hundred and Seven
10 x Twenty-three = Two Hundred and Thirty
Table of Twenty-four
1 x Twenty-four = Twenty-four
2 x Twenty-four = Forty-eight
3 x Twenty-four = Seventy-two
4 x Twenty-four = Ninety-six
<td 5 x Twenty-four = One Hundred and Twenty <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 6 x Twenty-four = One Hundred and Forty-four <
/td /tr /tr <td 7 x Twenty-four = One Hundred and Sixty-eight <
/td /tr /tr <td 8 x Twenty-four = One Hundred and Ninety-two <
/td /tr /tr <td 9 x Twenty-four = Two Hundred and Sixteen <
/td /tr>
10 24 = Two Hundred and Forty
Table of Twenty-five
1 25
= 25
2 25
= 50
3 25
= 75
4 25
= 100
5 25
= 125
6 25
= 150
7 25
= 175
8 25
= 200
9 x Twenty-five = Two Hundred and Twenty-five
10 x Twenty-five = Two Hundred and Fifty
Table of Twenty-six
1 26 = 26
2 26 = 52
3 26 = 78
4 26 = 104
5 26 = 130
6 26 = 156
7 26 = 182
8 26 = 208
9 26 = 234
10 26 = 260
Table of Twenty-seven
1 x Twenty-seven = Twenty-seven
2 x Twenty-seven = Fifty-four
3 x Twenty-seven = Eighty-one
4 x Twenty-seven = One Hundred and Eight
5 x Twenty-seven = One Hundred and Thirty-five
6 x Twenty-seven = One Hundred and Sixty-two
7 x Twenty-seven = One Hundred and Eighty-nine
8 x Twenty-seven = Two Hundred and Sixteen
9 x Twenty-seven = Two Hundred and Forty-three
10 x Twenty-seven = Two Hundred and Seventy
Table of Twenty-eight
1 28 = 28
2 28 = 56
3 28 = 84
4 28 = 112
5 28 = 140
6 28 = 168
7 28 = 196
8 28 = 224
9 28 = 252
10 28 = 280
<h4 Table of Twenty-nine /h4 <table /tr <td 1 x Twenty-nine = Twenty-nine <
/td /tr /tr <td 2 x Twenty-nine = Fifty-eight <
/td /tr /tr <td 3 x Twenty-nine = Eighty-seven <
/td /tr /tr <td 4 x Twenty-nine = One Hundred and Sixteen <
/td /tr>
5 29 = One Hundred and Forty-five
6 29
= One Hundred and Seventy-four
7 29
= One Hundred and Three
8 29
= Two Hundred and Thirty-two
9 29
= Two Hundred and Sixty-one
10 29
= Two Hundred and Ninety
Table of Thirty
1 x Thirty = Thirty
2 x Thirty = Sixty
3 x Thirty = Ninety
4 x Thirty = One Hundred and Twenty
<td 5 x Thirty = One Hundred and Fifty <
/td /tr /tr <
<td 6 x Thirty = One Hundred and Eighty <
/td /tr /tr <td 7 x Thirty = Two Hundred and Ten <
/td /tr /tr <td 8 x Thirty = Two Hundred and Forty <
/td /tr>
9 30 = Two Hundred and Seventy
10 30
= Three Hundred
We have seen the tables from one to We have seen the tables from one to thirty in English with their words and numbers. These tables are helpful for learning and practicing multiplication and other math skills. You can download the tables from one to one hundred in English from the BYJU'S website for free. You can also find more resources and tips on how to master the tables on their website.
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Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it useful and interesting. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the tables in English:
Q: How can I memorize the tables in English?
A: There are different strategies and tricks that can help you memorize the tables in English. Some of them are: - Repeat the tables aloud or write them down several times until you remember them. - Use songs, rhymes, or mnemonics to make the tables more catchy and fun. - Use flashcards, quizzes, or games to test yourself and reinforce your memory. - Relate the tables to real-life situations or examples that you can visualize. - Review the tables regularly and practice them with different problems.
Q: What are the benefits of learning the tables in English?
A: Learning the tables in English can help you improve your math skills and confidence. Some of the benefits are: - You can perform faster and more accurate calculations without using a calculator. - You can solve more complex and challenging math problems that involve multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, etc. - You can develop your logical thinking and problem-solving skills. - You can enhance your memory and concentration abilities. - You can enjoy math more and have fun with it.
Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when learning the tables in English?
A: Some common mistakes to avoid when learning the tables in English are: - Skipping or ignoring the tables that you think are easy or hard. You should learn all the tables from one to one hundred to have a solid foundation. - Relying too much on a calculator or a cheat sheet. You should try to recall the tables from your memory and use other tools only as a backup or a check. - Mixing up the order or the words of the tables. You should pay attention to the sequence and the spelling of the tables and avoid confusion. - Not practicing or reviewing the tables enough. You should practice and review the tables regularly to keep them fresh in your mind.
Q: How can I use the tables in English in real life?
A: The tables in English can be used in many real-life situations that involve math or numbers. Some examples are: - Shopping: You can use the tables to calculate prices, discounts, taxes, tips, etc. - Cooking: You can use the tables to measure ingredients, portions, servings, etc. - Traveling: You can use the tables to convert currencies, distances, time zones, etc. - Sports: You can use the tables to keep score, track statistics, compare performances, etc. - Games: You can use the tables to play board games, card games, puzzles, etc.
Q: Where can I find more information and resources on the tables in English?
A: You can find more information and resources on the tables in English on the BYJU'S website. They offer free PDF files of the tables from one to one hundred in English that you can download, print, or save. They also offer interactive videos, worksheets, quizzes, games, and tips on how to learn and master the tables. You can visit their website by clicking .